Assalamualaikum. Selamat pagi.
How was your Monday?
Jangan jadi cam Spongebob ni plissss. Hehe..
Let's start a day with a smile.. (^_____^)
Take five!
Jom layan lagu ni. Eh sebelum tu mohon anda semua berangan beracapella di tepi pantai, clapping & feeling the beat. Chillax!
The turtle moves slowly and is happy with his pace of life
The flamingo walks with elegant grace, she knows she's one of a kind
If you can't stop in, at least smile as you go by
If you can't stop in, at least smile as you go by
Sometimes, you just gotta know how to feel
The happy crab danced on the beach to a calypso beat
The happy mullet jumps for the pure joy of being alive
If you can't stop in, at least smile as you go by
If you can't stop in, at least smile as you go by
Sometimes, you just gotta know how to feel
The gator grinned as he dreamed of his next meal
Every good fisherman has a pelican watching over him
If you can't stop in, at least smile as you go by
If you can't stop in, at least smile as you go by
Sometimes, you just gotta know how to feel
P/S: Ingat tu.. if you can't stop in, at least smile as you go by. ;)
Selamat Pagi Isnin Chic Na!
Happy monday chic na..
Tapi mamavogue blues sangat ari ni..!! Nak breakfast pun takde mood (-_-)
spongebob ade tulang ke kak?? hehehehehe
layan ajelah hehehe
selamat pagi dan selamat hari isnin chicna.. ayu pun suke spongebob..hehe.. ok, ayu senyum sekarang.. :)
Tapikan, Nur rasa macam nak jadi spongebob je ni...
byk keje le hari ni..huhuhu
H nak jadi macam Patrick jer..:p
hihihi jumaat paling di nanti ;-)
bestkan lagu nya
xprnh dgr lagu ni, ptg skit nak dgr..thx chic na for the semangat..haha
Happy monday cikna syg.. hehe..
kelas start hari khamis.. jadi takde la monday blues sem ni.. Thursday blues ade.. hehe
Pagi Isnin yang Monday Blues..hihi..
Best plak lagu ni..happy2 gitu...:)
kak fieda suke dgn spongebob...kiki
eh nampak tadi kelibat Chic Na di ruangan komen blog pcl...cuti ke?
lagu ape nih? try nyanyi tp xdpt.. -_-
:D :D ok, dh senyum..
tgh smile ni
tp line tenet xmo smile..penat nunggu loading
memang sbijik cam spongebob hari ni.hehehehe..monday blues itu wajib
eerrr... lagu apa niii
ramai yang macam spongebob tu hahaha!
will remember this song. HHIIIHH..
monday yg bosan..hope hari seterusnya tak bosan gini..hehe
lya kat sini..ahad la y melemaukan
haish dh rs mcm spongebob la plak bila nk tukar monday to friday,yg friday to monday..agak2 menjadi x Chikna.kahkahkah
wieee...beraccapella yuk. ishh ejaan.
selamat hari Selasa.. have a great day!!
Singgah d pagi selasa chic na!!
salam selasa chic na :-)
haha.. tapi biasanya mcm tu la... happy tuesday!
hai done follow, sy dtg dari blog jaakechik
alamak! baru terbaca entry ni hari ni.
so happy tuesday utk cikna..hehe
translation fliss... hahaha
monday blues....harini dah tuesday tired
ber monday blues ya chic na... tp sayang jaa singgah ke sini hari selalsa...aiyooo...
hari2 monday blues.. malasnya la hai..hee
singgah malam..
Nur masih lagi mood malas..
bunda singgah pagi..
salam =)
hehe ala xble la cik naaa...tiap pagi cmniii ;p
hari ni dah hari rabu..baru singgah sini..hai cik na..:)
akak coti hari hehe
Akak tak pernah la rasa lagi monday blues bagai semua tu..
i love u cikna...:))
done white
ok da snyum dah ni chic na :)
hari ni hari semoga ceria ya Chic Na
suke lagu niiiiiiiiiiii. hehe. dulu rs ade dlm lappy. :)
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